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How to know if a Milton Painter is right for you!

1. The first impression is usually most important. Friendly vibes usually mean good to deal with.

2. Painters can arrive either dressed to quote with work wear on, or clean clothes. Depends on the time of day, since some painters work for themselves, they will sometimes still be wearing paint clothes. Means their busy! Which is good

3. Do go through the painting process and thoroughly explain what needs to be done? There should be no confusion on what will be done and what is in the quote.

4. Do they push selling a lot or just natural when doing the quote. If they’re overselling it could mean they’re less busy, and usually good painters are always working…

5. If you don’t receive a leave behind you should leave them behind. Painters with a company name have a reputation to upkeep where as painters without a name can sometimes lead you down a rough path.

6. How are they with your husband, wife, kids, or pets? The painter will be working in your home so it’s important they are friendly and trustworthy.

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